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QOLT 8.1:  Syllabus (or similar) links to campus accessibility policy and QOLT 8.3:  Students are given accessibility information and policies related to the online course environment.


Our Learning Management System has these links built in

QOLT 8.1 and 8.2:  Syllabus (or similar) links to campus accessibility policy; and: Instructor articulated how s/he proactively supports a wide range of learning styles and abilities of all students, as opposed to just making reactive accommodations for those with registered disabilities. Note: This support does not entail sacrificing academic rigor or student learning outcomes. The goal is supporting the needs of all learners as opposed to having an inflexible teaching and learning process.


Our Blackboard has this built in.  It is also provided on the syllabus:


If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations please contact me as soon as possible. I can do whatever it takes to make sure you succeed in this class.  Students with disabilities needing accommodation should speak with the Accessibility Services.  You can contact the Student Accessibility Office at this number:  510-885-3868 or e-mail them at


We will be using Blackboard in this course.  You can read Blackboard’s Accessibility Statement here at the Blackboard Site


You can also find a direct link to the Accessibility Services on campus in our Blackboard site in the tabs to your left.

QOLT 8.5:  Course materials created by the instructor or from external sources are in formats that are accessible to students with disabilities.


While we have not created course content for this FLC, here is an example of what I will be doing for future content.  This is a video lecture I did for another course.  It was professionally subtitled.  I also provide students with the powerpoints.


Here is another example of QOLT 8.5:


I write and organize my course materials clearly and coherently, so students can easily access and interpret them: Group similar content, use headings to indicate different topics, use effective font style and size to enhance legibility.

QOLT 9.3:  Instructor provides opportunities for students to reflect on their learning and connect their individual learning goals with the expectations (stated learning objectives and outcomes) of the instructor.


I also give students a survey in Week 6 about their progress in the course and if there is anything they would like to change.

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