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QM 3 is all about Assessment and Measurement

Standard 3.1:  This standard calls for assessments that measure the stated learning objectives or competencies. 


The Group Project Assignment assesses CLO’s 1 (identify historical events in US history up to 1900); 2 (frame the historical context of US History up to 1900); 3 (Analyze and discuss historical evidence from documents, articles and books); 4 (Assess the quality of historical evidence presented in readings); 5 (recognize the importance of historical inquiry) and 7 (collaborate with other students on historical research). 


This assignment requires students to join a group and work with other students to do research on a topic in US History between contact and 1900. In doing so, students will have to identify historical events (CLO 1), frame the historical context for their topics (CLO 2), analyze and discuss historical evidence from their research in documents, articles, and books (CLO 3) and assess the quality of those sources (CLO 4) while recognizing the importance of historical inquiry (CLO 5) and collaborating with other students to put together a presentation based on their research (CLO 7). 

Standard 3.2:  This standard calls for the course grading policy to be clearly stated


The Syllabus for History 3400 Online sets out the following:


Grading:  200 points possible 

Early American Women Quiz                                               5 points due 4/4

Syllabus Quiz:                                                                          5 points due 4/4 Homework #1 SOAPStone Mayflower Compact ch. 2:                               8 points due 4/11  Homework #2 SOAPStone Declaration of Independence ch. 6:               8 points due 4/22

Quiz on chapter 7 The Constitution                                    10 points due 4/25 Midterm:                                                                                                              50 points due 4/27

Group Project:                                                                         30 points due 5 Homework #3 Declaration of Sentiments                                                    10 points due 5/16 Reflection Paper on Group Project                                                                          10 points due 5/23

Discussion Board Post on Group Projects                         5 points due 5/25

Homework/Quizzes/Posts:                                                   [60 points] due various dates

Discussion Board Post Course Wrap-up                             9 points due 6/1

Final Exam                                                                               50 points due 6/6

(And Grading Scale follows)

Grading Rubric: Written Work - Exams, Homework and Online Discussion Grading


The table below shows levels of achievement for all student writing in this course including slide presentations, discussion board posts, and homework essay questions. This is a three-tiered scale: Exemplary, Proficient, and Unsatisfactory. Within each level there is a range of points which can be earned. Note:  late work is not accepted unless instructor gives permission to submit it.

QM 3.2 is also about providing a Late Policy

All assignments (ALL Digital History assignments) are due by the due date.  I will not be accepting any late work for these unless you contact me before with a really good reason why an assignment will be late.  They will be due at 11:59 pm on the due date.  If you are late in turning in your research essay, I will take off 10% of your grade for each day it is late (unless you contact me first!).  This includes the weekends.  If you miss the quizzes and do not contact me before we take them, I will not be allowing a makeup.  If you are having difficulties (illness, death in the family) please contact me as soon as possible and we can alter this policy. 


***I will not take late work after the end of our last day of class.  If you think you are going to be late, you will need to talk to me and hand in everything before this date.***

QOLT 3.5:  There are a variety of instructional material types and perspectives, while not overly relying on one content type, such as text (similar to QM 3.4):



The group project described above involves four distinct assessments; 1) posting topic ideas and interacting with other students on a wiki; 2) doing historical research and preparing a slide/video presentation based on that research in collaboration with other students; 3) writing a reflection paper on the group project; 4) posting a comment on the discussion board about the work of other students on their group projects.

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